
The price of a translation is calculated based on the number of words in the source text. Depending on the level of difficulty of the text, technical/format-related problems of the source document (e.g. poor legibility, inappropriate segmentation) and the desired delivery date, the price per word varies from 0.08 to 0.12 euros excluding VAT (0.10 to 0.14 euros including VAT at 19%).

Through the use of translation memory systems, I can offer discounts for identical or similar text passages that recur in the same text or in your subsequent translation jobs. The exact number of new words, repeated words and those that coincide with the entries in the translation memory system by 75-99% (so-called “fuzzy matches”) will be established with the analysis function of the respective translation memory system.

Prices Judith Seelmann
Coincidence by 0%–74%
(“No Match”):
Full per-word price
Coincidence by 75%–94%
(“Low Fuzzy Match”):
75% of the per-word price
Coincidence by 95%–99%
(“High Fuzzy Match”):
30% of the per-word price
Coincidence by 100%/Repetitions
(“100% Match”):
20% of the per-word price

A surcharge of 30% will be applied for urgent translations and weekend work.

Free quote with no obligation

You are welcome to request a free quote without any further obligations. Simply submit the text that you wish to be translated via email to
(preferably as a zipped attachment) and let me know your desired delivery date. This will enable me to fully assess the type and level of difficulty of the text and to accurately determine the number of words with the analysis function of the translation memory system. After this assessment, I will send you the exact quote as quickly as possible. In case you don’t yet have the full text available, I would need some representative excerpts in order to be able to prepare a rough quote.

Paper documents can of course also be submitted by mail. Conversion into an electronically editable format will be charged according to the amount of time necessary for this. The price for one hour is 25 euros excluding VAT (29.75 euros including VAT at 19%).


If you request additional formatting work on top of the mere translation work in order to gain optimum readability and a professional appearance of the translated text (e.g. resizing of text boxes in PowerPoint presentations to accommodate the translated contents, insertion of hyphens for proper syllable division of words in text boxes), this will be charged according to the actual amount of time spent on it, the hourly rate being 25 euros excluding VAT (29.75 euros including VAT at 19%).